Directory and Intermediate Image Maker
Presented here are my first fruits. This set of code was written using Notepad++ and compiled/run in MinGW. This code has the following abilities:
- Generate a user specified number of intermediate images (directories)
- Generate a relevant set of atomic coordinates for each image in the form of a Gaussian submission file. This is done using a linear interpolation at the moment so it's nothing all that great in my opinion.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//This program is meant to demonstrate the creation of a user specified number of directories
//with a file being written in each directory. Ultimately, this program will form the base of
//the directory and file creation in the NEB program, allowing each image to be contained in
//its own directory.
int main(void)
//Here the variables for the program are declared. They all function as either counters
//or switches. Several file pointers are declared as well, these are used later one for
//keeping track of which files are in use.
int i; //'i' is for image, this is the image counter
int k;
FILE* fp;
FILE *fp1 = NULL;
FILE *fp2 = NULL;
int j;
int number_of_atoms;
float temp; //this is used to transfer the integer value of 'i' to a floating point number
int c;
c = 1;
int q = 0;
//Prompt the user for how many images they would like the NEB algorithm to use. This then
//creates the desired number of directories.
printf("Please enter the number of images you would like use: ");
scanf("%d", &i);
//set temp equal to i. This will become important later on when determining the slope
//for the linear interpolation between points.
temp = i;
//Open the REACTANT file.
FILE* myfile = fopen("REACTANT.txt", "r");
//Another counter, this one used for helping to determine the number of lines in the REACTANT.
int ch;
int number_of_lines = 0;
ch = fgetc(myfile);
if(ch == '\n')
} while (ch != EOF);
//last line doesn't end with a new line!
//but there has to be a line at least before the last line
if(ch != '\n' && number_of_lines != 0)
printf("number of lines in REACTANT.txt = %d \n", number_of_lines);
//The number of atoms in the REACTANT file are calculated here.
number_of_atoms = number_of_lines - 6;
//The position arrays for the atoms are declared here since declaring them earlier wouldn't
//have taken into account the unknown size of the file.
float xyz1[number_of_atoms][3];
float xyz2[number_of_atoms][3];
float slope[number_of_atoms][3];
//The Interpolation Array has to be big enough to store 3 coordinate for each atom in each image.
//Hence the calculation and its inevitable large size.
float InterpArray[number_of_atoms*i][3];
//These are the input strings used to hold the information in both REACTANT and PRODUCT
//files as a series of strings.
char inputString1[(4*number_of_atoms)+10][100];
char inputString2[(4*number_of_atoms)+10][100];
//This for loop reads the REACTANT file into the first input string.
fp1 = fopen("REACTANT.txt", "r");
for(i = 1; i < ((4*number_of_atoms)+10); i++)
fscanf(fp1, "%s", &inputString1[i]);
//This for loop does so for the PRODUCT file and the second input string.
fp2 = fopen("PRODUCT.txt", "r");
for(i = 1; i < ((4*number_of_atoms)+10); i++)
fscanf(fp2, "%s", &inputString2[i]);
//Reset counter values
k = 0;
//This fills in the xzy arrays with the atomic coordinates from the input strings.
while(k < number_of_atoms)
//IMPORTANT!!! The 9 here has its value because that is where the coordinates start on
//the input string. If the number of arguments change in the input file, this number
//and the numbers below it must change as well. This will be changed in the final
//code since it is assumed that the NEB algorithm will only require 'sp' calculations.
xyz1[k][0] = atof(inputString1[i+9]);
xyz1[k][1] = atof(inputString1[i+10]);
xyz1[k][2] = atof(inputString1[i+11]);
xyz2[k][0] = atof(inputString2[i+9]);
xyz2[k][1] = atof(inputString2[i+10]);
xyz2[k][2] = atof(inputString2[i+11]);
k = 0;
//Calculate the slope for each atom, this is the linear interpolation bit.
while(k < number_of_atoms)
slope[k][0] = (xyz2[k][0] - xyz1[k][0])/(temp+1);
slope[k][1] = (xyz2[k][1] - xyz1[k][1])/(temp+1);
slope[k][2] = (xyz2[k][2] - xyz1[k][2])/(temp+1);
i = temp;
int g;
//Calculate the intermediate positions for all of the images and their corresponding atoms.
while(q < i*number_of_atoms)
g = 0;
while(g < number_of_atoms)
InterpArray[q+g][0] = ((c*slope[g][0]) + xyz1[g][0]);
InterpArray[q+g][1] = ((c*slope[g][1]) + xyz1[g][1]);
InterpArray[q+g][2] = ((c*slope[g][2]) + xyz1[g][2]);
//Create the character array which will be used to store the names of the needed directories.
//In the future it might be a good idea to take the floor/log of the number of images to calculate
//the necessary length of each row. This would mean that the program could use an unlimited
//number of images.
char ImageArray[i][50];
char WrittingArray[7][100];
c = 0;
//Here, the directories are named and stored in the array 'ImageArray.'
while(c < i)
sprintf(ImageArray[c], "Image_%d", c + 1);
//Reset the value of c. This is so it can be used in the next while loop.
c = 0;
//The directories are created here. 'i' directories are created as specified by the user.
//They are produced using the 'mkdir' command which then passes its result value to 'j.'
//This value is used to flag if the command executed successfully or not.
while(c < i)
//Invocation of mkdir, with appropriate directory name being passed to it.
j = mkdir(ImageArray[c]);
//Check if directory creation was successful.
if(j != 0)
printf("Directory Creation Failed For Image: %d", c);
//Add to c, moving to the next directory to be created.
//Reset value of c to zero.
c = 0;
//This section of code switches between the newly created directories and adds a file to each
j = 0;
while(c < i)
//Here, the program switches its working directory. This is done in the while loop, switching
//to a new directory until the end of the images is reached.
k = chdir(ImageArray[c]);
//Check that the directory switch occurred.
if(k != 0)
printf("Directory Change Failed!");
//Create the test file in the new directory.
fp = fopen("TestFile.txt", "w");
printf("File Creation Failed");
//Here we write into the Writing Array and subsequently write the information to the
//new file within the image directory.
sprintf(WrittingArray[0], "%s %s %s %s \n", inputString1[1], inputString1[2],
inputString1[3], inputString1[4]);
sprintf(WrittingArray[1], "\n");
sprintf(WrittingArray[2], "%s \n", inputString1[5]);
sprintf(WrittingArray[3], "\n");
sprintf(WrittingArray[4], "%s %s \n", inputString1[6], inputString1[7]);
sprintf(WrittingArray[5], "\n");
int h;
for(h = 0; h < 5; h++)
fprintf(fp, WrittingArray[h]);
k = 0;
int m;
m = 0;
//Write all the atomic coordinates to the file.
while(k < number_of_atoms)
sprintf(WrittingArray[0], "%s %f %f %f \n", inputString1[8+m],
InterpArray[j+k][0], InterpArray[j+k][1], InterpArray[j+k][2]);
fprintf(fp, WrittingArray[0]);
//Change directories to the directory above current directory.
k = chdir("../");
if(k != 0)
printf("Directory Change Failed");
//Increment c to switch to the next directory.
//Reset all counters
j = 0;
g = 0;
c = 0;
//Print off the Images and the atomic coordinates (minus elements) to the screen.
while(j < i*number_of_atoms)
printf("Image %d: \n", (c+1));
g = 0;
while(g < number_of_atoms)
printf("%f %f %f \n", InterpArray[j+g][0], InterpArray[j+g][1], InterpArray[j+g][2]);
j += number_of_atoms;
return 0;
Planned additions to this code:
- Produce an XYZ file which can be used to generate an "inspection" GIF for Jmol or some other program
- The NEB algorithm (perhaps as a separate function?)
- Other features (they will be added as they are needed or recommended)
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